Fractional Sales Leader Coach

Engaging a Fractional Sales Leader: How Much Time Is Needed?

Engaging a Fractional Sales Leader: How Much Time Is Needed?

The million-dollar question for every business usually revolves around time. Can my current sales team build and close enough sales pipelines to meet our growth goals this year? If not, how long will it take me to fix the problems that are hindering their success, or do I need a new one with better qualifications from day one?

A Fractional Sales Leadership model can help you grow faster

It’s usually this challenge that drives the typical small to mid-sized business to look for help because they don’t have the time or experience in-house to repair or rebuild their sales organization. Using an Outsourced or Fractional Sales Leadership model is a great fit in these circumstances. You get an experienced leader that acts as a sales coach and professional services provider to enhance your department.

It takes less time than you think

Once the top executive understands the workings of my model, the question I get most often is “How much of my time is needed if I hire you?”. It’s a practical question considering most leaders are pulled in many directions! They are surprised, and often delighted when I explain how I can help dramatically improve their sales results with very little involvement from them. 
Let me walk you through how I leverage my broad experience to create an ultra-efficient client working relationship designed to uncover, diagnose, and correct sales issues. 

How Often Do We Meet? 


No matter the scope of my involvement, I follow a consistent approach that typically results in my client sponsor only needing to invest 1-hour per week meeting with me throughout our engagement, sometimes less depending on the scope of what we’re working through. 

My experience will make the process easier for you

This minimal time commitment is the result of my experience rebuilding sales organizations and knowing how to leverage the client’s domain knowledge to guide my efforts. 
Early in the relationship, I invite my client sponsor to invest additional time by sitting in on staff meetings I lead, participating in discovery sessions I facilitate, etc. I’ve found this extra involvement up front helps us expedite forming a productive working relationship and also helps the client get more comfortable with the new concepts being introduced. 
Throughout this journey, the client sponsor and I stay in lockstep by focusing on high-level activities during our routine check-in meetings such as:
  • Gaining alignment on what needs to be fixed and in what order.
  • Reviewing the work products I produce and refining them as needed before roll-out. 
  • Partnering on sales culture transition objectives.
  • Checking in on milestone progress and establishing the next set of goals.

What Do You Take Ownership of?

While there is not a lot for you to do, it is important that you take an active role in strategic areas during the process. Most often there are three phases during my involvement that will require your involvement is specific ways:
  • Discovery & Assessment
  • Design & Implement 
  • Operationalize with Adoption  

I will develop the plan for you

After completing the Discovery & Assessment phase, I will develop a plan to serve as our guide. I oversee the steps and actions necessary to create the change you brought me in for. With this plan defined, I’ll take full ownership of designing the agreed-upon work products and implementing them. 
I involve your key employees during the design process to glean insights from their subject matter knowledge while also gaining their buy-in before new solutions are implemented.

You will get high-level updates so you can provide input

During this heavy lifting phase, you remain at a high level, yet aware of the changes taking place by gaining updates during our routine meetings. 
The common design areas I focus on are within these 4 sales categories that the majority of small to mid-sized business struggle with: Sales Strategy, Sales Methodology, Sales Organization, Sales Analysis.

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I am a seasoned leader who has taken on many roles in the past. One role I specialize at is Operationalizing with the adoption phase which ensures your sales rebuild will be sustainable going forward! Taking this responsibility would mean that ultimately, you could rely on me as an interim VP of Sales and have my hands-on experience working closely alongside all of our clients’ facing employees like reps or customer support representatives. I am confident enough to handle any challenge thrown my way because nothing can stop someone determined when they’ve got what it takes to succeed
In cases where I fulfill this expanded role, your time involvement would remain unaffected by us continuing with the same weekly meeting cadence. Just as before, you remain at a high level, yet aware of the happenings in the sales department.

You can delegate your priorities to me

While I am in the trenches with your employees throughout the three phases I described, I am acting on your behalf to ensure the proper changes are made and adopted. This is most effective when we develop a strong bond of trust, honor one another’s authority areas, and are committed to see changes through. 

You can trust the process

I have seen owners panic when the sales pipeline isn’t fixed within 90-days. They grow impatient and feel drawn to undo the work we just implemented. To avoid ending up back at square one, it’s critical to leave the new processes and systems in place to gain the desired outcomes. It may take longer to fix root issues causing your sales problems, but the goal is to have sustainable transformation. As an experienced sales coach and leader, I know that you will be more profitable if we create change that lasts.
To help set your expectations on the timeframe for implementing changes within your sales department, check out the previous article I wrote called, “How Long Does it Take to Fix a Sales Team?

The Best Outcome: Getting Extra Time Back

My colleagues and I enter literally hundreds of small to mid-sized businesses every year as fractional sales leaders. What we’ve found as we support companies is that most business owners who are struggling to reach their revenue goals are the same ones who are personally overseeing their sales departments
Usually, that means late nights going over sales projections and pouring through lost deals trying to figure out what went wrong. This often leads to a lack of focus, crunched windows of time, and a never-ending project load. 
Imagine the time you’ll immediately get back by hiring an Outsourced or Fractional Sales Leader! Not to mention how it will grow once your sales problems are fixed for the long-term. 

Get the freedom you need to work on your business rather than in your business

When you are free to think about your business and lead it, your business will grow. This freedom affords the owner or top executive the ability to work “on” the business, creating a greater sense of impact and personal fulfillment. 
You can actually take a vacation and not spend the entire time fretting about the bad quarter you just had. No more sleepless nights filled with stress. You can enjoy time away knowing your business is going in the right direction to achieve the growth you’ve always dreamed of.

If you’d like to discuss what’s going on in your business, I would be happy to shed light on options to fix the breakdown areas. contact me at (404) 271-6767, via email at , or reserve a time to speak through my Scheduling Tool.

I also invite you to follow me on LinkedIn to gain exposure to future article posts that will offer more valuable selling insights.

Another helpful resource I offer is a custom report you will receive after investing 2-minutes taking my SALES AGILITY ASSESSMENT. It’s filled with tips on how to optimize your sales environment based on your unique responses, making the report individualized and insightful!


Dan Mahony


I am part of a national group of Senior Sales Leaders who collaborate to share insights like the examples shown in this article. We formed because of our shared passion to help business leaders exponentially grow their revenue.


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